
Showing posts from April, 2007

Ryan Joseph Gross Christening

Since I've been neglecting my blog I've decided to go with the flow rather than give a time line from last year and pretty much do what I've been supposed to be doing from the beginning - just blog! Yup - just blog! *laugh* I guess because I wanted to start from last year and catch up I started to procrastinate which leads to nothing getting done - which means no one consistently reading and keeping whomever may or may not be reading coming back to...well... read and view. Needless to say I will eventually get to our Honeymoon, my appearance on the Weekend Edition of the Today Show 2006 (awesome experience), all the 2006 Engagements and Weddings and even further back favorite photos, family gatherings and whatever experiences come my way. Tonight I wanted to start with something that happened today! Our newest cousin's Christening! Yes people - today - it happened today... Don't faint. Ryan Joseph Gross - newest cousin - son of George & Lori Gross III and su...