
Showing posts from September, 2011

Where Did The Time Go?

I cannot believe it is has been well over a year before my last post.  Promises of blogging each and every time.  Well let me get you all updated. It has been a whirlwind of happenings, distractions and just not getting to the blog in order to seriously start typing for an hour or two to update all the great things (and some not so great things).   I am currently writing down my thoughts and experiences out here in Las Vegas, about the people, the whys and hows and perhaps an article in the near future will happen.  I am looking into my roots now as to what I wanted to do way back when and who knows, maybe the writer that used to lay within when I was a lot younger will come forth to reveal that I am my own personal article machine, photos and all.  :)  Since my last Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School post, I'm excited to say I've become the "Principal" of the Las Vegas chapter. My hopes are to grow this chapter into a plethora of L...