A Happy New Year!
I got so much accomplished today! One day from the new year and I have already started getting this house organized and cleaned up (just have to keep going). I now have about 4 more rooms to do this winter and I can relax. I so want to be able to stop thinking about the house and start thinking more about a. my business b. cooking more meals c. start trying to garden (herb garden) and d. play video games once in awhile and to just relax and know I can.
I hope someday that happens. :)
So my last entry on the 28th stated I would put those fun Christmas photos of Bootsy and Tinkerbell up on the blog, and here they are!
Well first I have to put up the photos I took for our Christmas cards. This one actually didn't make it, due to well, I forgot about it.
The Second photo below was the one I used on several friend and co-worker cards as well as the faded background on the Kitten collage Christmas card, which was used for the majority of our family this year.
Each year I like to do three to four photos so everyone gets something different. I usually take the photos I will use that year. These two ornaments happened to be from a Cousin's Christmas party we went to on December 9, 2006.
And here are the kittens! They were so much fun, and don't worry, they didn't have to wear the corny outfits for long.
I love the bow tie! I had to do it!
She was not too happy. :)
What a goofball! Looks a little drunk.
This photo just cracks me up.
Tink actually did like this little collar better than the Reindeer ears.
I wanted to try and get these photos in a more professional setting, however this didn't happen due to the lack of time from our kitchen renovation, not to mention the lack of room for my backdrop, so I took the opportunity a week before Christmas and did these really quickly on the new kitchen tile. Like the tile? I love it!
I hope someday that happens. :)
So my last entry on the 28th stated I would put those fun Christmas photos of Bootsy and Tinkerbell up on the blog, and here they are!
Well first I have to put up the photos I took for our Christmas cards. This one actually didn't make it, due to well, I forgot about it.
The Second photo below was the one I used on several friend and co-worker cards as well as the faded background on the Kitten collage Christmas card, which was used for the majority of our family this year.
Each year I like to do three to four photos so everyone gets something different. I usually take the photos I will use that year. These two ornaments happened to be from a Cousin's Christmas party we went to on December 9, 2006.
And here are the kittens! They were so much fun, and don't worry, they didn't have to wear the corny outfits for long.
I love the bow tie! I had to do it!
She was not too happy. :)
What a goofball! Looks a little drunk.
This photo just cracks me up.
Tink actually did like this little collar better than the Reindeer ears.
I wanted to try and get these photos in a more professional setting, however this didn't happen due to the lack of time from our kitchen renovation, not to mention the lack of room for my backdrop, so I took the opportunity a week before Christmas and did these really quickly on the new kitchen tile. Like the tile? I love it!